26 May 2009

Beats writing my book...

So, in my seemingly endless effort to AVOID writing my book, even though its due next Friday (June 5th)(don't worry, I'll finish on time, running thoughts through my head right now even if they are just random ones) I decided to write another blog...if for no other reason than...because I can...so here goes: (Feel free to leave comments! And by all means, join my small band of followers at the bottom of the page!)

The random things going through my head at a quarter to 11 on Memorial Day 2009:

  • Has Jon Schmidt written a better arrangement than Love Story meets Viva La Vida? If you haven't seen it / heard it yet, you should:
  • Viva La Vida (Coldplay) and Love Story (Taylor Swift) are very catchy tunes on their own
  • Why do people call in with "Internet problems" on a holiday, ignore the greeting telling them to leave a message only if its urgent and then leave a message saying they've got problems with their XBox? That happened twice today!
  • Despite the gross lack of patriotism or respect for the United States, the stories of some of the double agents (a.k.a. is kinda interesting really)
  • Gen. Schwarzkopf may have been a jerk, but he's a quotable individual!
  • My ten worst fears:
  1. Being inadequate as an eventual husband and father
  2. Being rejected
  3. Talking to cute girls that I have a crush on (including a few that are in my ward right now)
  4. Graduating college with no definitive goal in mind
  5. Completely going deaf
  6. Being irrelevant
  7. The Lakers, Yankees, Patriots, or Red Wings winning another championship
  8. The University of Up-North Wolverines ever winning another national championship...in anything
  9. Failing in life
  10. Losing my gift for music
  • I'm pretty sure I grit my teeth too much
  • I haven't worked out in a long while
  • I still have no idea how I'm going to write Chapter 7 of my book - even though I've got all the material for it
  • "Is gold worth what we have to see?"...She's a princess, she's an airhead, she means money, but she's well fed...inside joke -- I think only my parents know this one, oh and my brother Alan - it was from a roadshow we were in when we were like 6 and 7 or something...totally dumb, but just popped into my head, so I wrote it down
  • If the Lord had made the earth in 8 days, we'd have three day weekends EVERY week!
  • On Sunday's you are supposed to rest from your labors...though I'm trying to figure out which ones those are that we get rest from...
  • We were totally awesome in General Conference last month, ain't gonna lie (Priesthood Session - Men's Choir)
  • Is there a better play in the last ten years than LeBron's shot the other night?
  • Isn't the term "drawing blanks" kind of an oxymoron depending on how you think about it?
  • Why is it that the general membership of the church only knows about 25% of the Hymns in the hymnbook?
  • I gotta go get more milk tomorrow - I've only got like a quarter cup left
  • I want a Wendy's Triple - with just cheese, extra cheese, bacon, and ketchup on it - that's it.
  • We're almost halfway done with the semester...already
  • Time to get back to the book...
...There you have it folks - the random thoughts of my head. And people say that I'm complicated! Who knew?

1 comment:

teac77 said...

Why do people call in with "Internet problems" on a holiday, ignore the greeting telling them to leave a message only if its urgent and then leave a message saying they've got problems with their XBox? That happened twice today!.
ANSWER: They're ig'nant.