So, as I was walking home from church today, I saw something that just set me off...well its always bothered me, but as I see it more and more: people that insist on pressing the handicapped button to open the door for them - even though they are perfectly capable of opening it on their own! This in turn got me to thinking about all of my pet peeves - and what better place to air my grievances than my personal blog? So here goes:
- People that are perfectly capable of opening the door on their own but use the handicapped button instead
- People that park in the handicapped spots even though they aren't
- People that drive up and down the rows of parking lots searching for the "perfect spot"...even though the time they spend looking is longer than it would have taken them to park in a spot just a tad further out and walk in
- People that leave their shoes in the center of a room and don't see a problem with it
- People that mispronounce the word "nuclear" - its nu-clee-ur NOT nuke-u-lar!
- People that write English papers the way that they speak - with terrible grammar and slang lingo.
- People that don't read things on a screen and then call tech support to read it to them
- Stupid people in general (I don't mean the legitimately ignorant and those that really don't know, I mean the people that know better and then do something idiotic anyways)
- Waking up in the middle of the night to find an unexpected guest sleeping on your couch that your roommates didn't bother to consult with you about.
- Musicians that try and "soup up" their music - even though they are incapable of playing it straight in the first place
- Anything having to do with the New York Yankees
- Add in the New England Patriots
- And the Detroit Red Wings...and any other team from that miserable state!
- Don't forget the L.A. Lakers either!
- People that talk on their cell phones and get distracted while driving
- People that call a business and speak to them like they speak to their friends
- People that call businesses on a weekend with an "emergency" that turns out to be the inability to connect their XBox to the Internet
- Heck - just about any gamer that freaks out when they don't have Internet access for their gaming console
- People that complain about not having Internet access on their laptop - despite the fact that its plainly obvious that the power has been knocked out
- People that call multiple times in short spans - getting the business voicemail every single time informing them that all available technicians are busy and to leave a message...and then think that by calling right back that there's going to be a technician available
- ...or for that matter the 23rd time they try it
- people that can't distinguish between Public Display of Affection and Public Display of Atrocity
- Women that wear clothing that is too small / too immodest already and then continuously tug at the ends of those clothing in an attempt to stay "modest"
- Motorists that blow through a crosswalk that individuals are clearly waiting to cross at even though the pedestrian has the right of way
- Jaywalkers
- Jaywalkers
- Jaywalkers
- People that don't understand the rule "if it ain't yours don't touch it"
- People that think immaturity is cute
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