25 September 2010

Government Agency

For those that expect to read a post about a politically extreme viewpoint I don't apologize, I rather suggest that you look elsewhere. Those of you familiar with my words know that you can expect some kind of interesting twist to the topic which may be perceived by the title I have placed at the top of this post. Even my best friend in the whole world doesn't even know what is coming with this post.

As I was recently studying a favorite Scripture Mastery scripture I was recently brought to the awareness of my own lack of understanding or comprehension of this entire verse. It is one that I know is oft repeated throughout much of the Church, but one that I feel that perhaps lacks the full recognizance necessary to properly promote the doctrines contained with in. If you open your sticks to 2 Nephi, Chapter 2, verse 27 you read:

Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself.

Now, I bring your attention not to the heart of the verse that we most frequently focus on, but to the first two phrases of the verse which state that "men are free according to the flesh" and "all things are given them which are expedient unto men." How many of us have focused on the importance of these two phrases before, much less the footnotes attached to a couple of the words in these phrases? I'm guessing...probably very few of us.

When we cross-reference the footnote from the word "free" we are directed to Helaman 14:29-30:

29. And this to the intent that whosoever will believe might be saved and that whosoever will not believe, a righteous judgment might come upon them; and also if they are condemned they bring upon themselves their own condemnation.
30. And now remember, remember my brethren, that whosoever perisheth, perisheth unto himself; and whosoever doeth iniquity, doeth it unto himself; for behold, ye are free; ye are permitted to act for yourselfs; for behold, God hath given unto you a knowledge and he hath made you free.

Completely clear right? Okay...so maybe not exactly. When it suggests in this verse that we are free according to the flesh, maybe we can lengthen this and suggest that we are free according to the knowledge that we are given and according to the agency that we exercise amongst ourselves. This scripture also tells us that in essence - we have no one else to blame but ourselves for what we do. Yes, there are punishments affixed from God for what we do, but they are just that - affixed. This is to say that he doesn't mette out punishment subjectively or upon whom he wishes. Rather, he simply assigns that punishment to the crime and allows the great intercession of the Atonement to take place and apply mercy accordingly.

Now, what kind of a teacher would I be if I went through all of the footnotes provided and explained the interpretation for each and every one of them? I'll give you a hint - not a good one. Suffice it to say though, I will provide my summarization following:

When our Father tells us that something is expedient unto men - he is suggesting that it is good, sufficient, and for their well-being. Thus, for all things to be given to us - it suggests that he has given us the resources necessary for us to act for ourselves according to the sphere in which we reside. These resources include talents, leaders, scriptures, the Spirit, prophets, and a plethora of other beneficial aspects of life that are designed to allow us the most agency possible.

I believe that too often we become the figuratively lazy teenagers that make a half-hearted attempted at overcoming our problems and trials and then call for help in some way. While there is nothing wrong with asking for a little assistance here and there, we do have to recognize that we are literally agents unto ourselves and that we need to act accordingly, rather than react or be acted upon. When we place our burdens upon the Lord so often that we feel to be compelled in all things, we not only surrender that agency to ourselves, but we make light of and negate the talents and dominions which the Lord has bestowed upon us.

What exactly does it mean to be an agent? It means that we are held accountable to ourselves for all things that we do according to our knowledge. Thus you might say that the punishment fits the crime and the blessings are according to our faith and works. We can't expect to escape punishment for our shortfalls if we have had reason to act accordingly and chose not to. Thus, this fulfills the mandate that men are free according to the flesh.

Now, this is all well and good to be agents unto ourselves, but there is a twist. Should we use the agency given us in a self-destructive manner which allows the presence of Satan to become a dominant force in our lives, we lose our ability to be agents unto ourselves - either because the flesh has given itself slave to a more powerful and controlling force, or because we simply cannot obtain the guidance of the Spirit because it has been wronged. As such, our failure to do things the way that the Lord has provided leaves us on our own and as many scriptures suggest "left unto ourselves."

As we turn our lives more fully to the Savior we will find that our knowledge will continually increase and that we will have more dominion over ourselves and our choices. Let us all find ways that we can reapply ourselves to the Lord's plan and find the agency within ourselves that has been promised to us and guaranteed through the atoning blood of our Savior Jesus Christ.

21 September 2010

The Chastisement of our Peace

First, thanks to all that read my blog. If some of you wouldn't mind commenting on it though - I'd appreciate it though. I know that there's a lot that follow it that I don't know - so if you are or read it frequently, please let me know! Thanks to all of you though for allowing me to share my testimony with all of you through this.

As I was in discussion with my favorite person in the whole world today, the words of a scriptural passage in Isaiah came to mind throughout. As such, I have decided to offer my insights on this passage.

Those of you scriptorians out there that read this know from the title the exact passage of scripture I plan to focus on here. This scripture is found in Isaiah 53:3-5 and reads:

3. He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquained with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

4. Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yes we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.

5. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

This is a scripture that we've all heard before, and those of that have taken Seminary probably still have it memorized to some extent. The question that you have to ask yourself though is whether you truly realize the awesome extent of Isaiah's prophetic tribute. Yes, we most commonly recognize this scripture as referring to the atoning sacrifice paid by our Savior prior to his crucifixion at the meridian of time, but the problem is just that - its our common recognition and understanding of this scripture that causes us to fall well short of understanding the wealth of knowledge and spiritual reminder that this passage has to offer us.

I submit that many of us treat this scripture as we treat our understanding of the Atonement - which is to simply acknowledge its cleansing power insofar as it becomes necessary for our penitence towards salvation, but in reality acknowledging its power little further. The problem is that if this is our sole view of the Atonement, we have neither an adequate understanding of the life of our Elder Brother, nor do we comprehend the magnitude of His sacrifice during His final hours in mortality.

The interesting aspect of this scripture is not to just dissect its many parts, but in the way that Isaiah speaks Messianically we are somewhat permitted to allow our imaginations to place us almost in those final moments among the crowd that witnessed the illegal trial before the Sanhedrin which condemned our Savior to death. With that in mind though - let's move on to the dissection of the scripture a little bit that will hopefully open our minds to things.

We note in the 4th verse that He hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows - which is nothing uncommon to us, but if we roll back to the 3rd verse it notes that he had his own griefs and sorrows to carry also. Too often I think we look at Christ as our Savior and put aside that he was a normal human being just like all of us - having feelings, which included sorrow, grief, pain, joy, sadness, etc. We know from scriptural accounts that he was sorrowful at the news of the passing of Lazarus, and we can easily assert that his foreknowledge of the betrayal by Judas had to have at least stricken him to some extent with sorrow for Judas' choice.

Now, the crux of this scriptural passage rests in the summation of its parts - meaning that we need not focus on just the sorrows and grief, but it also mentions, stricken, smitten of God, afflicted, iniquities, chastisement of peace (pain of peace), despising, and rejection. Why do I address all of these? I do it because I recognize that the true cleansing power of the Atonement covers all of those and rests not solely on the forgiveness of sin.

What does this mean to us individually though? It means that it covers those that have been victims of abuse, those that have had serious transgressions committed against them, those that struggle with finding their own identity, those that struggle to communicate, those that have weaknesses that they are unsure of how to address, those that simply are having a rough day, and the list goes on! What's worse is that our failure to acknowledge the Atonement as a keystone to our lives rather than a tool or a first-aid kit results in a great disservice to both our Heavenly Father who gave us His Beloved Son to work through those things.

It is our duty and privilege in this life to find ways that we can integrate the Savior's atonement into our lives more fully so that we can pattern our lives more fully towards receiving all that the Father has to give us. In order to do this though we have to have to be fully regcognizant of the fact that time is indeed of the essence. What I mean by this is that our delay in addressing those things which burden us and allow the Atonement to have full sway in our lives only causes additional pain and sorrow upon Him who cast his life before sinners and overcame all such that we might cast aside those very things.

We would never accept a gift from our best friend and then put it away in a closet and fail to use it or rather reject that gift and choose to not accept it - but yet when we choose not to invoke the Atonement into the most spiritually arid parts of our lives, we do that very thing. When we choose to delay ridding ourselves of those burdens which hinder our progression towards eternity, we concurrently choose to rid ourselves of any potential blessings we might receive through the cleansing and lightening power of that eternal Atonement.

May we find ways in our lives continually to invoke the power and blessing which the Father has to offer us in the name of His Son is my prayer.

20 September 2010

On These Two Commandments

I know - its been the equivalent of eternity since I've written in my blog, but I've decided to try and repent and make this more of a frequent occurrence. I know, I've said similar before, but then again, I was in school before. Now that I've graduated with my B.S. and don't have a job yet, there's a lot more time to do other things...such as this! :-)

I have, admittedly, done a post on the topic which I am about to cover before - however, I plan to take this in a way different direction that I had previously done. In fact, you might say that this is the follow-up post to the previous blog that I had written on the subject.

It has been speculated in many an LDS religion class that I have attended that the response given by the Savior in Matthew 22 referencing to the greatest commandment and the Ten Commandments go hand-in-hand - though few seem to understand the connection, much less the magnitude of our Lord's response.

For those that are unfamiliar with this scripture that I refer to, you will find it in Matthew 22:34-40:

34. But when the Pharisees had heard that he had put the Sadducees to silence, they were gathered together.

35. Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question,, tempting him, and saying,

36. Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

37. Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38. This is the first and great commandment.

39. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

40. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
[Emphasis added]

Now, lets keep these verses in our back pockets as we address the Ten Commandments. In short they are:

- No other Gods before God
- No graven images
- No bearing the name of God in vain
- Keep the Sabbath Day holy
- Honor parents
- Do not kill
- Do not commit adultery
- Do not steal
- No false witnesses
- No coveting neighbors house, family, possessions, etc.

Those that want to view my original post on the subject can go here:

Now, for those that want a tiny Hebrew lesson here it is: The first commandment does not truly say "Thou shalt have no other gods before me," but rather it states that "You shall not have any other Gods before my face" - which in the Hebrew culture was taken to mean that if anything stood before God - be it any practices, objects, etc. - then it was said to stand before God's face and get in the way of things.

In any case - how do we break down the Ten to become the two greatest commandments? This is simple because the Lord has essential done that for us already as such:

- No other Gods before God
- No graven images
- No bearing the name of God in vain
- Keep the Sabbath Day holy


- Honor parents
- Do not kill
- Do not commit adultery
- Do not steal
- No false witnesses
- No coveting neighbors house, family, possessions, etc.

What's interesting is that when we divide the commandments as such - we gain a greater understanding of our Father as a Heavenly being having been mortal before us, His vast plan, and the power of the Savior's response to the Pharisees.

As parents (which I am not yet, but hope to be someday with an amazing girl - she knows who she is) we have to understand that any children that we do have the opportunity to raise are on loan from our Heavenly Parents under whose charge we serve to love and rear in righteousness. With that plain fact in mind - we see that the two divisions of commandments are actually "headed" by two groups - Heavenly Parents and Earthly Parents.

The first section of these commandments we can refer to as "the Law" - which the Lord prescribed as "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind."

The second, being equal in likeness and weight is "the prophets" - which is to love [our] neighbors our ourselves. Note that in the second section of these commandments they are those commandments which involve injury or involvement of a second individual.

Now we must tie this all together to our modern-day and its applicability to us as individuals. The prophets of modern times have boldly declared and continually emphasize that the family is the most essential and fundamental unit to any society and it is only through the means of the family unit that the highest blessings of eternity are obtained. Notice who is at the heads of each and every one of these families? Fathers and mothers - whose honoring is required by commandment.

Conversely, the parents are not without spot or blame and bear a heavy responsibility in fulfillment and observance of this commandment. In the 68th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants we are reminded that "Inasmuch as parents have children in Zion, or in any of her stakes which are organized, that teach them not to understand the doctrine of repentance, faith in Christ the Son of the living God, and of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of the hands when eight years old, the sin be upon the heads of the parents." (D&C 68:23)

Those that pay attention closely in the semi-Annual General Conferences held by the Church will note that many of the counsels given by the Prophet's are in reference to the governance of the family and towards those things that will allow for the observance of the "prophetic" section of the commandments to become almost natural and without much difficulty.

Why do I suggest this? I say this because I have found that it is almost near impossible to violate any of the "prophets" set of commandments if one is strictly adhering to those counsels contained in the Law. The problem is though - that many of us struggle with scripture study, prayer, Church attendance, idolatry, pride, etc. - which causes failure of many of the latter Ten Commandments.

I submit that as we recommit ourselves to a more careful adherence of the Law, we will find that our lives will naturally place themselves in the correct order and that we will encounter less problems with the latter portion of the Ten Commandments, and further we will be able to more fully honor our parents whose sacred responsibility it is to unite families for eternity.

08 February 2010

Usurping Our Own Virtue

I have had several topics on my mind throughout the day today, but there was one that has seemingly stuck out in my mind constantly. The interesting thing is that the way I had been mulling over the topic was completely different than what occurred to me on the way home tonight from Stadium Singing. As I walked home following an hour of leading music, my mind was impressed to rehearse one of my most favorite sections of scripture in the Standard Works. As I rehearsed the verses in my mind, I was inspired to consider them a different way, which is what I will share here.

Those that know me fairly well know that by and large, my 2nd most favorite section of scripture is that which is found in the 121st Section of the Doctrine and Covenants - from verses 34 to 46. I will quote these verses for the sake of having contextual reference to the topic which I plan to discuss:

Behold, there are many called, but few are chosen. And why are they not chosen?
Because their hearts are set so much upon the things of this world and aspire to the honors of men that they do not learn this one lesson --
That the rights of the Priesthood are inseparably connected with the powers of heaven, and that the powers of heaven cannot be controlled nor handled only upon the principles of righteousness.
That they may be conferred upon us it is true; but when we undertake to cover our sins, or to gratify our pride, our vain ambitions, or to exercise control or dominion or compulsion upon the souls of the children of men, in any degree of unrighteousness, behold the heavens withdraw themselves, the Spirit of the Lord is grieved: and when it is withdrawn, Amen to the priesthood or the authority of that man.
Behold, ere he is aware, he is left unto himself, to kick against the pricks , to persecute the saints, and to fight against God.
We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all men, as soon as they get a little authority as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion.
Hence many are called, but few are chosen.
No power or influence can or ought to be maintained by virtue of the priesthood, only be persuation, by long-suffering, by gentlenss and meekness, and by love unfeigned.
By kindness, and pure knowledge, which shall greatly enlarge the soul without hypocrisy and without guile --
Reproving betimes with sharpness when moved upon by the Holy Ghost; and then showing forth an increase of love toward him whom thou hast repoved, lest he esteem thee to be his enemy;
The he may know that they faithfulness is stronger than the cords of death
Let they bowels also be full of charity towards all men, and to the household of faith, and let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence og God; and the doctrine of the priesthood shall distill upon thy soul as the dews from heaven
The Holy Ghost shall be thy constant companion, and thy scepter an unchanging scepter of righteousness and truth; and thy dominion shall be an everlasting dominion and without compulsory means it shall flow unto thee forever and ever.

So we've got all that right? We've heard it before, nothing new. I now submit a whole new perspective to view this scripture from with the use of one word: chastity.

I had not previously been impressed to consider it from this perspective previously until walking home tonight, but as I was inspired to consider this perspective it instantly became not only clear, but it enhanced my understanding of many things.

As we consider this block of scripture again, we can now consider the following points:

  1. There are many called, but few are chosen - because we give up our "chosen" status by violating the law of chastity and disrespecting our own virtue and those that we are with. When we set our hearts upon the things of this world and to the honors of men, we find that as we violate the law of chastity we are doing just that. The world would teach us that it is okay to give into our carnal desires and submit to our natural will - and at times the world seems to "reward" this sort of an attitude, which is not only wrong, but it is dangerous.

  2. Though the scriptures specifically suggest that the rights of the Priesthood are connected with the powers of heaven, and its accompanying explanation on how that Priesthood is governed, we ought to consider this reference to the Priesthood as referencing to one of the fruits of the Priesthood - the Holy Ghost. When we enter this into the discussion, we find that we not only offend the Spirit by gratifying our pride, our vain ambitions with each other, and unrighteously rob ourselves and another virtue, we also lose within ourselves the governing measure of the light of Christ given to us. At that point, we have NO authority to call upon the Holy Ghost to guide us.

  3. We are then warned that once we are aware that we have caused a withdrawal of the Spirit from our lives, we are left to fight against the further desires that the adversary has to impose upon us, to persecute the saints - specifically those that call us to repentance or Church leaders that speak hardness to the hearts of those doing what they know to be wrong and to fight against the light of Christ within us and against the commandments which he has delivered to us.

  4. We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all men, as soon as they get into a relationship and feel that they have complete control over it without the assistance and obedience to the law of Chastity, that they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion over themselves and their dating companion. I believe that this is self-explanatory here!

  5. We are then given a long list of conditions that dictate our ability to govern the priesthood - which in this case we are considering that governance as the authority to call upon the Holy Ghost at will. We can only call upon the Holy Ghost when we are long-suffering, gentle, meek, and have genuine love in our hearts for ourselves and for those that we are in that relationship with - NOT that "feigned love" mentioned in the scripture there which can be defined in one word as "lust."

  6. Those that notice that those around them are in violation of the law of Chastity are given specific prescription for how to deal with this situation - we are to "reprove betimes with sharpness when moved upon by the Holy Ghost; and then showing forth afterwards an increase of love toward him whom thou hast reproved, lest he esteem thee to be his enemy;" - or in other words - we are censure those that we see in violation of the Law with EXACTNESS and CLARITY when we are moved upon by the Spirit to do so, and to do so in a loving way as to not cause offense, or become the bearer of hypocrisy mentioned in the prior scripture."

  7. The most significant parallel we must consider in this scripture is in the 45th verse where we are commanded to "let virtue garnish [our] thoughts unceasingly." I submit to you: how can we allow virtue to garnish our thoughts unceasingly if we willingly put ourselves in a position where we have to monitor our own obedience to specific laws to the point where we question how close to "the line" we are or if we are splitting hairs to justify our actions? My explanation to this is that we CANNOT! If we have willingly placed ourselves into a position where our actions may appear evil to some, or make others uncomfortable, or we must constantly consider our own actions in relation to a watered-down obedience to certain laws, then it is wholly impossible to allow virtue to garnish our thoughts constantly. As such we lose the promise of the final verse of that chapter - in that we cannot have the Holy Ghost to be our constant companion or as a compulsory means of dominion over the Priesthood in righteousness. At that point, there IS an end to our flow of the spirit and it does not go on forever and ever.

How grateful I am for the inspiration of this scripture in a whole new light! This has helped me to understand the situation that I am currently facing within my life. No, I am not personally entrapped by a violation of the law of Chastity, but I do have those close to me that are perilously close to violating this and choose to rationalize their own salvation to the ground. As I've worried about this in my mind, my heart has been comforted knowing that the Lord will direct me through the Spirit to know how to address this situation. My testimony is strengthened because of this and my faith in the Lord has increased!

06 February 2010

Anxiously Engaged in Glory

For today's post I was led to consider the words of the 58th Section of the Doctrine And Covenants. (As a side note, I should mention that I spell out the full name - and say it - of the work because I have been taught from a very young age that we do not abbreviate the Book of Mormon as the B.O.M or the Old Testament and New Testament as the O.T. and N.T. - and likewise we should not do the same for the Doctrine and Covenants). As I considered the words in this section, I have been brought to a greater understanding of the things that I need to do in my life in order to reach my fullest potential.

One of my favorite scriptures to quote is an old Scripture Mastery scripture - in verses 26-28 where we read the following:

For behold it is not meet that I should command in all things; for he that is compelled in all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant; wherefore he receiveth no reward.

Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness;

For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves. And inasmuch as men do good they shall in nowise lose their reward.
(Emphasis added)

Though I've quoted this many times, I don't think I've come to a very clear understanding of this scripture until I read it in context with the entire section tonight and really researched it a little.

The Princeton dictionary defines the word "anxious" as "dying (eagerly desirous)." While this may seem like a definition that we shrug our shoulders and follow up with a "yeah, and?", we must realize the context that this particular word was used in.

If we go back several verses, we read in the 2nd through the 7th verse, the following text:

For verily I say unto you, blessed is he that keepeth my commandments, whether in life or in death; and he that is faithful in tribulation, the reward of the same is greater in the kingdom of heaven.

Ye cannot behold with your natural eyes, for the present time, the design of your God concerning those things which shall come hereafter, and the glory which shall follow after much tribulation.

For after much tribulation come the lessings. Wherefore the day cometh that ye shall be crowned with much glory; the hour is not yet, but is nigh at hand.

Remember this, which I tell you before that you may lay it to heart, and receive that which is to follow.

Behold, verily I say unto you, for this cause I have sent you - that you might be obedient, and that your hearts might be prepared to bear testimony of the things which are to come;

And also that you might be honored in laying the foudnation, and in bearing record of the land upon which the Zion of God shall stand;
(Emphasis added)

This is yet another testament to us that we will be blessed for our faithfulness in tribulation, but notice the connection between this block of verse and the section of verse that I opened up with. If this evidence is not easily synthesized, allow me to cite an account from the lives of one of our Prophet's, Joseph F. Smith's, mother's that perhaps better illustrates my new understanding of this section:

“I recollect most vividly a circumstance that occurred in the days of my childhood. My mother was a widow, with a large family to provide for. One spring when we opened our potato pits, she had her boys get a load of the best potatoes and she took them to the tithing office; potatoes were scarce that season. I was a little boy at the time, and drove the team. When we drove up to the steps of the tithing office, ready to unload the potatoes, one of the clerks came out and said to my mother, ‘Widow Smith, it’s a shame that you should have to pay tithing.’ … He chided my mother for paying her tithing, called her anything but wise or prudent; and said there were others who were strong and able to work that were supported from the tithing office. My mother turned upon him and said: ‘… You ought to be ashamed of yourself. Would you deny me a blessing? If I did not pay my tithing, I should expect the Lord to withhold his blessings from me. I pay my tithing, not only because it is a law of God, but because I expect a blessing by doing it. By keeping this and other laws, I expect to prosper, and to be able to provide for my family.’ … She prospered because she obeyed the laws of God. She had abundance to sustain her family. We never lacked as much as many others did. … That widow was entitled to the privileges of the house of God. No ordinance of the gospel could be denied her, for she was obedient to the laws of God” (Gospel Doctrine, 5th ed. [1939], 228–29).

The principle that I have obtained from this section of scripture is that we should be expectant of the blessings which the Lord has cause to bless us with through our tribulations. We need not fear tribulation as a means of hard work and no reward, but rather, we must embrace it with the expectation that we will be blessed accordingly by the Lord - be it in this life or the next! This is literally the commandment given to us in that scripture mastery verse, which we better understand by reading the beginning of the section - that we should be eagerly desirous as we are engaged in a good cause - or in other words - expect the Lord to bless us for our good deeds.

Why is it that in times of tribulation that we often find ourselves wondering if the Atonement is sufficient enough to cover those trials? Why is it that at the first sign of trouble we expect the Lord to simply bail us out of the trial without regard to anything else but escape from that trial? I submit that this is an adversarial trick of the Fallen Son - that he has it in our minds to take our eyes off of the eternal blessings we gain from our trails. We must strive to further recognize and expect the Lord's hand to bless us when our specific tribulations have passed before our eyes. This is a claim that we are able to make upon eternal law based on our righteousness and obedience to the commandments, and more importantly, our exercise of agency in choosing not only to follow the boundaries that the Lord has prescribed, but also in choosing to claim those rewards that we have for us.

May we all strive to further recognize those blessings which the Lord has in store for us and be mindful of the claim that we have upon those is my prayer, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

05 February 2010

The Lord's Will Made Manifest Through Faithfulness

As I went about my morning today, I was frequently prompted to open up to the 63rd Section of the Doctrine and Covenants and read its contents. Brothers and Sisters, let me tell you, divine inspiration works! As many of you are aware, I've been struggling with a lot of personal things as of late and have just felt overwhelmed with many things in my life. As I read this and listened to some Church music in the background, I was brought to an overwhelming sense of peace and gratitude in knowing that my Father understands my needs and through the tender mercies of His Son's Atonement, that I can be touched in a way that let's me know that He is there.

Of the many verses that stuck out to me during my study today was the 22nd verse of this section which reads:

And now verily I say unto you, that as I said that I would make known my will unto you, behold I will make it known unto you, not by the way of commandment, for there are many who observe not to keep my commandments.

Now this isn't anything new to any of us, or is it? For me, this was particularly touching. How often do each one of us simply "strive to follow" the commandments and then expect that the Lord's will will be manifest to us in clear explanation? More specifically, do we just go through the motions of doing the things that we are supposed to do thinking that by doing so we will do just enough to illustrate our personal salvation and pathway to eternity? I submit to you that yeah, a lot of us probably do - including myself.

In the very next verse we are told:

But unto him that keepeth my commandments I will give the mysteries of my kingdom, and the same shall be in him a well of living water, springing up unto everlasting life.

As of late, I personally have struggled with just knowing what the Lord wants me to do and knowing how my eternal salvation was to play out in the eyes of the Lord. As I now examine myself, I realize that maybe I haven't been as diligent as I ought to have been in praying, reading the scriptures, and actually seeking to have the guidance of the Spirit in my life. Rather, I have simply come to expect that I would be blessed accordingly and that some of my deficiencies are the result of my natural spirit within and are forgivable.

The Lord clearly illustrates in verses prior and following the aforementioned verses that faith must be the mechanism for those signs to be delivered to us. Verse 9 clearly states that "faith cometh not by signs, but signs follow those that believe." Perhaps the most condemning verses are in verses 11 and 12:

Yea, signs come by faith, unto might works, for without faith, no man pleaseth God; and with whom God is angry he is not well pleased; wherefore unto such he showeth no signs, only in wrath unto their condemnation.

Wherefore, I, the Lord, am not pleased with those among you who have sought after signs and wonders for faith, and not for the good of men unto my glory.

As I came across these verses, the strains of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir filled my ears where I was reminded of the following verse:

Why should we mourn or think our lot is hard?
Tis not so, all is right!
Why should we think to earn a great reward,
If we now shun the fight?
Gird up your loins, fresh courage take
Our God will never us forsake,
And soon we'll have this tale to tell!
All is Well! All is Well!
(Hymns #30 - Come Come Ye Saints - Verse 2)

As I contemplated these words in the back of my mind, I was brought to the 20th verse of this scripture again where we are told:

Nevertheless, he that endureth in faith and doeth my will, the same shall overcome, and shall recieve an inheritance upon the earth when the day of transfiguration shall come.

This is a great promise to each and every one of us that struggle with trials in our lives. Not only will we overcome, but we stand to receive an incomprehensible inheritance from the Father following this life. This is, however, conditional upon our exercise of faith and the work described in the 37th verse of this section:

And that every man should take righteousness in his hands and faithfulness upon his loins, and lift a warning voice unto the inhabitants of the earth; and declare both by word and by flight that desolation shall come upon the wicked.

Note the two operative actions in the very beginning of this verse - to take righteousness and faithfulness upon us. We cannot simply stand by and expect that our living of the commandments is sufficient for salvation, nor can we expect that a tiny modicum of faith is going to protect us in the battle against the world, more specifically the adversary. As follow up to this, we are told in the 47th verse:

He that is faithful and endureth shall overcome the world

As a fitting closure to this section we read in the 66th verse:

These things remain to overcome through patience, that such may receive a more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, otherwise, a greater condemnation. Amen

How grateful we should be to have the agency placed in us by the Father to exercise faith and grow in our adversities. Those of us that stand idly by and expect the Lord to remove all tribulation in our lives not only bring upon ourselves condemnation, but we deny ourselves eternal blessings while at the same time place our own agency in jeopardy. We must choose on our own to overcome those trials placed before us, we cannot simply stand by and expect that they will pass us by or that we can complacently plow through them. As we are reminded in the Bible - "faith without works is dead, being alone."

If we wish to have the companionship if the Spirit in our lives, the knowledge of the will of the Father, and the joy of family and friends in our lives we must exhibit faith towards the understanding of the will of God, and then choose for ourselves to overcome those things which he in turn chooses to place into our lives for our benefit.

31 January 2010

Refocusing Towards True Godliness

Between some of the stuff that we have been discussing in my Hebrew class as of late, some of the programming I caught on the BYU channel after returning home for a very early-morning maintenance call this morning, and other thoughts that have been on my mind as of late, I have inclination to address this topic.

As we have discussed the ancient Israelites in our class, we have often found ourselves discussing the circumstances that led to the Israelites entering into the wilderness in the first place. Too oft we begin our examinations of this story with the escape of the Israelites from the Egyptians through the Red Sea and onto dry ground, even though the parts of the story just before this are likely more signification to our salvation today than the story of the Egyptian pursuit through a divided body of water.

I refer of course to the prominence of the plagues of Egypt prior to the Israelite release from bondage. Though this series of events is seemingly random to the unlearned scripture scholar, and irrelevant to the non-Christian world, their significance is akin to the parabled words of the Savior in the New Testament. The resistance of the Egyptian Pharaoh in granting the release of the Israelites was not as entirely tyrannical as some might like to label it, but rather was pertinent to the growth and salvation of the Israelite people. Though this is a notion that is rejected by most Biblical scholars, they fail to note the reasoning behind the plagues in the first place.

It was necessary for the Israelites and Egyptians to be plagued for a time as an entire nation, and then for the Egyptians to be further plagued as the Israelites were spared in order for a proper refocusing to occur. We must note that the Israelites had been in bondage under the Egyptian empire for quite some time prior to their release. Over time, they had inevitably adopted many Egyptian customs and traditions that were not necessarily in harmony with the teachings of God, or even in direct recognition of His power and majesty. Thus, a "fall" of sorts had to be created such that the Israelites could again recognize their true God and learn about whom they should follow and worship during their journey into the wilderness and throughout all mortality. When recognizing this, then one can understand the reasoning behind the plagues sent by God to the entire people. It wasn't to wear down the Pharaoh, nor was it to inflict a form of vengeance upon the Egyptians, but rather to get the Israelites to fear God, and to debunk the mythical perceived abilities and powers of the Egyptian pantheon of Gods. In each plague, the Egyptians were shown the error of their religious or rather social beliefs, and the Israelites were reminded that only the God of the Old Testament - Jehovah - could triumph over any superstition or power of men.

Fast forward now approximately 1300 years just past the meridian of time to the life of an individual who would stem from the Israelites, become the greatest prophet in all dispensations of time, and would provide an Atonement that would allow for the return to the presence of heavenly parents - to Jesus Christ. Though innocent he approached John the Baptist seeking the saving ordinance that had already been performed on so many others before him. Failing to understand his divinity, nor his mission in mortality, the man questioned the necessity of performing such an ordinance on someone so pure. With a response so simple, but holding such magnitude as to become somewhat of a mission statement that would encompass all that He would accomplish during his sojourn in mortality, Jesus responded to John the Baptists question saying "for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness." (Matt 3:15)

In more modern terms we might say that Jesus' response was that he needed to be baptized in order to fulfill the ends of the Law. The Law that is referred to is the Mosaic law that was prescribed by the premortal Jehovah to Moses merely 1300 years earlier. Christ obviously realized his own divinity and understood that he was fulfilling that Law which He, Himself gave to His mouthpiece year before, according to the will of the Father, but few others had that recognition, and even more still lack that recognition in our present day.

Though the law had been clearly stated, and was given as a result of prior apostasy by the Israelites because of their fear in ascending to the feet of Jehovah at Mount Sinai, the great temper, even Lucifer the fallen son of the morning had planted into the hearts of men the "philosophies of men mingled with scripture." What was once a pure and unblemished law intent on reminding the forbearers of Christ of the atoning sacrifice that he would one day accomplish that would fulfill the ends of that Law given them, had become a law that had been corrupted with a level of strictness and ritualism. No longer existed that original reminder that their actions were in similitude of a greater event, but instead the constant reminder of insignificant tasks that would drive them further from salvation than it would bring them closer, and concurrently bring with it a level of contention that would affect generations to the present time.

While Christ understood his purpose in life and sought to fulfill the Law given, more specifically to do the will of His father who had sent him to mortality to provide a means for the salvation of His children, his opponents during that sojourn in mortality were many. Even in this the dispensation of the fullness of times, ushered in by the Prophet Joseph, the variance in the teachings of Christ by many religions based on their interpretations of the new law given at the meridian of time is nearly as destructive and contentious as those prescribed by those during the time of Christ. Devoting his entire life to the servitude of others and the teaching of His father's will, Jesus sought to re-clarify the ends of the laws that He himself revealed and bring purity and godly order to the gospel once again.

One of the most effective tools that Christ was able to use in accomplish this end was to show the power of God, the true giver of all commandments through the use of miracles. In examining the miracles manifest by the Savior, one can realize that many of these were similar in purpose to the plagues cast upon the Egyptians and Israelites. Though these were often seen as marvelous works by others and miraculous life-changing events to the recipients personally affected, they were also seen as outward violations of the rabbinical laws that were enforced by the Pharisees and Sadducees of the day. While many received strength to walk, sight to see, and ability to hear, the religious lawgivers of the day chose only to focus on the fact that Christ had violated their prescription of law and had done such things as kneaded material on the Sabbath, instructed the healed to walk with their beds on the Sabbath, bathe on the Sabbath, and a plethora of other things.

Rather than recognizing that Christ had been following the law correctly and had only violated a set of unrighteous standards that were wholly inadequate to teach the gospel, much less protect the sacred nature of the law in the first place, these lawgivers constantly attacked the Christ, questioning his authority, his purpose, his knowledge and his obedience. Ultimately an illegal tribunal that likely violated many of their own standards was held that would condemn Christ to death and continue to fuel a spirit of contention and animosity between the peoples dwelling in Jerusalem. Such confusion and hatred would lead to the destruction of the Church that Christ had established, the rejection of the Apostolic word that His disciples carried, and ultimately would deny immediate salvation and peace to many then and to countless numbers now.

Though we don't have the privilege of Christ walking amongst us today, nor do we find ourselves subjected to the bondage of a more powerful nation, we do have a living Prophet of God and we find ourselves subjected to the bondage of a spiritual nation of tempters and those that will openly decry the words of God and His appointed leaders. Even amongst ourselves in large concentrations of Zion, we find many amongst us that have sought to become Pharisaic in nature and focus on many of the outward elements of the laws given rather than the intent of those laws.

Chiefly amongst those opponents and misdirected individuals are those that bring the family unit under attack and seek to socialize and make mortal interpretation and practice of the eternal laws of marriage and home building. I do not reference to those that openly oppose the Church's support of the original commandment given to Adam and Eve in the garden and affirm the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman, but rather I refer more to those that would attack this institution internally.

What do I mean by this? As of now I am a student at the Church's 2nd largest school - Brigham Young University - Idaho. On this campus we are surrounded by a spirit of intended progression and establishment of core gospel principles and values, including those related to the establishment of eternal families. Conversely, this spirit of progression and salvation is nullified by increasingly many who choose to focus on the outward qualities, situations, conditions, and possessions that the world suggests is necessary for "happiness."

Society has taught us, especially through modern media, that in order to build a successful marriage that we must contain a certain subset of qualities that are portrayed in their perceptions. Never mind the fact that it is all but impossible for an individual to contain an exact set of qualities and traits that fit that mold, many have chosen to try to seek for that claim instead of focusing on the elements of individuals that will lead them to Christ. We often find ourselves shaking our heads at the increase in the rise of divorces throughout the world, and the lack of commitment by individuals in seeking to build up marital unions and make them successful, yet oft times we have ourselves to blame for perpetuating those circumstances in the first place.

In a world where computer technology has become the normative form of communication and the means to do more with less, it has also led to a change in the paradigm of communication as it relates to building relationships. The terms "friendship" and "know" are tossed about casually to reference to anyone that someone has been introduced to and may communicate with a couple of times through electronic means. Along with that is introduced the world's term of "chemistry" which is to mean the cohesion of a relationship or the perceived success and concurrent interest of that relationship - all of which is seemingly derived in a few minutes with little regard to legwork and research that it often takes in order to allow those relationships to successfully progress.

Instead of focusing on one's ability to progress, knowledge and wisdom, Priesthood observance, charitable nature, goals in life, and views of family values and objectives - even Church members have become caught up in focusing on material goods, monetary potential and background, physical perfection, eloquence of speech, carnal desires (such as touching, kissing, physical contact, etc.), and a plethora of other qualities that the world has taught is essential for success in marital relationships. Where we have become a society with fast-paced technology that delivers us information quicker than the comprehension of the human mind at times, we have also become a society that has mirrored that fast-paced nature in our determining the potential aptitude of relationships and their subsequent success in the future.

Young women in the Church seeking a potential suitor judge their potential based on the data found on social networking sites, their calling in the Church, their limited interactions in group settings or at Church, or potential economic reward vs the risk they take with one individual over another. After merely a few minutes a young man is judged to be fit for eternity or unsuitable for progression and tossed to the side with the rest of all other potential suitors despite having obtained little more than a name and a momentary introduction to that individual.

Young men in the Church are not without fault either. Also relying on the prevalence of access to social networking information, many young men rely on the quality of photos shown to them, the ability of a young woman to talk sweetly to them, or their perception of their ability to quickly build a relationship of some kind - most often physical without seeking first to establish those solid friendships that will allow these relationships to stand the test of time. They often find that by smooth-talking themselves and extravagantly spending to impress another end up producing moments of temporary happiness and success, and if lucky will generate a long-term relationship that the individual can enjoy.

Though clear communication and study of individuals - much like diligent prayer and scripture study work in the gospel - will produce far greater and more successful results to the desiring individual, many in this day and age choose simply to make potential life-altering decisions and rid themselves of countless opportunities with others, with careers and education, and with joy and happiness in this life and the next - all in pursuit of temporary pleasure or the worldly prescribed model that few can hope to ever become.

Later on in our lives we find that communication often affects relationships beyond our own families. Instead we choose to get offended with others based on a mistake that they made that was not intended for offense; choose to allow our emotions be governed by the natural man that is influenced by the adversary, and turn our backs on potential successes in family, social, and economical relationships that could benefit us should we choose to be more open, humble, and less prideful.

Is there a problem with seeking for physical compatibility? No, but we also have to recognize that we cannot seek for perfection in a companion without being perfect ourselves. Is there a problem with wanting certain qualities in an individual? No, but do we consider which ones we are seeking for? Are those qualities going to bring us happiness and joy in life because we will have someone with whom we can relate to, or are these qualities going to bring us only mortal happiness and leave us desolate in the life to come? Why is it that we focus so much on first impressions and the outward perceptions of individuals when that is likely the last thing that will bring us happiness for eternity?

In a society that has taught us that it is okay to discard marriages as quickly as we do leftover food, we have equally become as casual with our communication and our ability to truly seek for those things that will bring us happiness. Laid aside are those individuals that either choose not to play dramatic games or simply don't feel like wearing all of themselves on their sleeves or leaving themselves exposed. Instead brought to the forefront of society are fears of communicating because of lack of respect or because of the perpetuation of all to downplay the sacredness of some communications between individuals. In many instances where Christ healed a person, that person was charged to tell no one of the miracle that had previously occurred? It wasn't that there was anything wrong with the miracle or that is was bad in any way, but that it was sacred and the pearls of the power of God manifested to others need not be cast before the swine that the adversary and his followers had figuratively created.

It is my prayer that we choose to reevaluate our lives, our relationships, and our perceptions of things. May we be so inclined to focus on those things that will bring us the happiness of eternity and the joy of others and of God rather than focus on those outward things that we feel are important now but will bring us no progression in the life to come. May we consider that we are each children of a loving Heavenly Father who has bestowed upon each of us weaknesses and strengths that are not readily apparent, and sometimes need assistance and research in order to bring to the surface of relationships that we may have in home, family, school, work, Church or otherwise. If we are truly to become like God is and go where He is, then we must do as mentioned in 1st Samuel 16 and look not upon the outward appearances of others and of events in our lives, but look upon the hearts of individuals and the true intent and purpose of the situations that we are placed in.

28 January 2010

Recognizing Where We Stand

I've taken a fairly good hiatus from this, and I apologize. There are a number of my followers that have asked me to put up a new blog soon though - so I will oblige and do my best to fill their needs.

Over the last couple of weeks, I have had the opportunity to converse with a number of individuals about various turmoils, worries, fears, and the like in their lives. Over the duration of my conversations with them, I have come to not only the conclusion that there is a great deal that I've learned from each of them, but that the things that they are / were experiencing are more closely tied to each other than they realize. The common link that I have found between each of these situations is the topic that I wish to address in this post.

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf summarized the eventual continuation of my post in his talk from General Conference October 2008's Priesthood Session titled "Lift Where You Stand." That in mind however, I wish to address the underlying point before his - and that is to discuss the understanding of where exactly an individual stands, or rather, the recognition of such. In doing so, this will allow us to lift where we stand, but in ignorance of such, we allow our lives to be governed by chaos, confusion, and utter lack of trust in anything or anyone that could potentially bring us to joy and allow us to move forward and progress in our lives.

Let us consider the scripture from Matthew 16:15-19 in the New Testament which reads:

15. He saith unto them, But whom say yet that I am?
16. And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
17. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.
18. And I say unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
19. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

Note here the identification of not only the status of Simon Peter, but also of Christ himself. We must remember that despite Christ's innocence, he was mortal as we all were. Inevitably he had stresses upon him, he had doubts, and a plethora of other emotions that he dealt with. I'm sure Simon Peter's statement in the Bible was just as much of a recognition of Christ's status as the Christ as it was to the Savior himself - in reminding him that he was the Christ and he had a much greater mission to perform yet in his mortality, and though things were tough, that he had a grander purpose than they all understood. Though Christ understood that he would have to perform the miraculous sacrifice in the Garden later on in His ministry, we know that through modern revelation and observation that even He could not anticipate the pain that he would endure at that time.

Nevertheless, despite the risk of pain and the depravity of a world that would reject His teachings and ultimately sacrifice him inhumanely, Christ was not only willing to accept the pain and risk that he would endure, but he did it with charity in his heart and prepared his chief disciple for the continuation of His word following his sojourn in mortality. Concurrently, with his recognition of the divinity of the Savior and His mission, Simon Peter was also not only recognized as a successor to the kingdom of heaven on earth, but was also reminded of where he stood at that time and where he had the potential to stand in the future.

Though we may at times lament the trials that come upon us and suffer from the carnal lusts of the flesh or the natural-man emotions of pride, fear, and rejection, we will find that oft times these situations are placed into our lives - not as the result of an inhumane, vengeful God, but rather through the wisdom of a loving Father in Heaven who recognizes that there are times in this life when we need to be reminded just where we stand in the grand scheme of things and the potential that we have within each of us to attain to the highest blessings which He can offer us.

Consider if you will the situation of a young woman that has encountered much pain and turmoil in her life. She has recently left home and with that hopefully a past that she has struggled to overcome for some time. In arriving at her new location she has found a young man that she is interested in and appears to be equally interested in her as well. As the relationship develops, she finds herself worrying about things from her past, and the revelation of such to this young men that she fears may drive him away for good and with it invite more heartache and pain that she had hoped to avoid.

Consider another separate situation of a young man and a young woman who have recently met and have realized an attraction to each other. Together they feel a sense of belonging and commonality, but apart the young woman feels fear in not knowing if she's good enough for the young man. The young man worries about potential other missed opportunities with other young women, or if the young woman is attractive enough for him - mainly based on what others think of her. Each of them have fears about moving too fast - not because of the physical nature of the relationship - but the willingness to commit to another individual so quickly despite the fact that they feel right about doing so.

Finally - consider the situation of a mother whose kids have moved out of the home. She feels a sense of disparity because she doesn't have the closeness of a family in her home anymore. Her husband is out of the home at work all the time; she has ailments that don't allow her to do all of the stuff that she would like to do, and a family that is less than cordial to her at times, leaving her to seek solace in other places. She gains acceptance in online games, and other social networking venues as a means of sharing her feelings and reaching out to others. She struggles daily in her own mind to discern ways to reconnect with her family and deal with the ever-mounting stresses of life.

In each of these situations, seemingly unique circumstances govern the forefronts of these scenarios, but there is much common ground to be found with all of them. To each of these individuals I would exhort them to spend a little time getting to know themselves. Further, I would remind each individual of the uniqueness and overlying power of the Lord's Atonement for each of them. Too often we think of the Atonement as simply a remedy for sin and wrongdoing while failing to recognize its healing power in relation to those, as well as its equalizing balance on our minds, and the penetrable effect that it can have on our hearts in softening them and allowing the Spirit to come forth and dwell within each of us.

We all sin and make mistakes, but it is a measure of our maturity and understanding of the Lord's Atonement which allows us to fully put it behind us and move forward in our lives. Such things such as past dealings that have been repented of, cognizant poor decisions, willful rebellion, and pride all effect us in ways similar to junk foods on the human body, but in more of an internal sense. The empty spiritual calories that each of these generate pile into the body and build up in areas that over time become ugly to us and others. In a sense we become spiritually obese to the point where it becomes difficult for us to carry out the most spiritual tasks of breathing and enjoying the spirit around us. Additionally we become so burdened with the weight of such that we often live in the past with regret for picking up that extra weight and our inability to cope as we should.

Rather, it is a spiritual exercise for each of us to invoke the Atonement in our lives and spiritually tone our bodies to the point where we are spiritually fit. Oft times this may mean putting off some things that we currently enjoy in our lives. Do we spend too much time playing games, watching television, or participating in empty activities that leave us not only unfulfilled but with regret for not having been more productive with our time? Do we shy away from others because we are afraid of being hurt or worn down by their actions or opinions? Do we date the prettiest or most handsome opposites because it is what is most convenient? Do we give up on relationships or commitments because we don't think they look right or we don't have the knowledge to know how to build them properly?

We may each do some or all of this, but if we properly invoke the Atonement in our lives, we will be able to find the balance necessary to do things we enjoy, to have fun, and to find the greatest potential in our lives. As with the modern-day food pyramid, and the word of wisdom - we need to let the bread of Christ's gospel be the base of our lives, with His manna from heaven and the herbs of wisdom that we have to obtain each day be the main parts of our spiritual diets. There is nothing wrong with taking time for one's self, or having doubts at times, or enjoying games or other activities, so long as we understand that those things are to be used sparingly, and that we must work to equalize out those spiritual impurities that we might sometimes ingest.

The Disney character Pumbaa in the movie The Lion King said it wrong when he said "you gotta stick your behind in your past." Timon immediately corrected him, and said that we need to put our past behind us, but I sometimes wonder if we all do a little bit more of the former instead of the latter. Have we each become spiritually obese to a point where we are unable to pull our behinds out of our past? Further, if we are concerned with our past, are we truly able to embrace our futures? I say to that - no!

We must recognize that the past is in the past, and leave it there. If there are things that we need to take care of from our past, then we need to do so quickly and with the penitence of young child, but after it has been placed in the past by the necessary authority it needs to be left there. If we are still holding on to those things, it is impossible to discern where we currently stand because we are obviously not where we should be in the present. We travel as spiritual herds, but sometimes we have to stand alone because of what we know to be right. No matter the case, we must recognize where we stand if we are to eventually lift others and if we are to attain all that God has promised to us.

Upon this recognition, we must realize that we have to keep trying. We are going to encounter those instances in life where our past may sneak up on us and try to invade, but through the recognition of the Lord's Atonement, we can overcome those things. Should we encounter those individuals that we fear may be unable to overlook that, we must either move on our place our faith in the Lord that His Charity will prevail in their hearts. Charity is not a passive thing or something we attain to - but something that we are and that we hold. We may reach a point of charity at some time in our lives, but it is only momentary because the natural man causes us to lose that rather quickly. With that, we cannot claim to have it just because we have had it once, but rather must strive to continually keep it. The Lord's Atonement is such that we can enjoy those tender mercies that will allow us to partake of levels of faith, hope, and charity in our lives so that we can grow and progress towards our ultimate goal of complete charity towards others. In doing so, we are able to fully claim the blessings which the Atonement has to offer us. Our falling short of this does not mean that we are a failure, but rather means that we must continually press forward and frequently rededicate ourselves to doing the will of the Lord.

Spiritually, we cannot be in two places at once, for this defies the law of Spiritual physics. Thus, I encourage everyone to evaluate where you stand right now so that you can know where you want to go in the future!

15 January 2010

In Reference to the Book of Ruth

Holy cow! Its been a while since I've sat down and written one of these. Admittedly I've been a bit lazy with it, while at the same time being insanely busy with a lot of things. I figured that I'm not doing anything else at 0115 in the morning though so I should write some thoughts down.

A friend of mine recently asked about my thoughts on the Book of Ruth in the Old Testament, so I thought I'd give it a shot:

The book of Ruth is a very short book - comprising of only five pages in the scriptures. The problem is of course that there is very little genealogical tie to anything other than knowing that the seed of Ruth would produce David - which subsequently would lead to Jesus Christ further on down the line.

I believe to some extent that this is somewhat allegorical in nature. The story begins with the story of Naomi, her husband and her two sons - all of which ended up dying, leaving Naomi to care for her two daughters-in-law. Naomi decides that she will return to her home of Bethlehem and commands her two daughters-in-law to return to their homes. The one decides to return immediately and the other, Ruth, decides to pledge her devotion to Naomi and stay by her for the rest of her life.

Naomi already carries with her a virtuous reputation which is also mirrored by Ruth also. She (Ruth) decides to go out into the fields of Boaz, the kinsmen of Naomi's late husband, to glean some of the grain left from the harvest. Boaz is impressed with her integrity, beauty, and other characteristics that he allows her to enter in with his maidens and commands his servants to protect her, all while being oblivious to his familial and concurrent social ties to her. Over time she grows closer to Boaz and eventually seeks to marry him. Boaz consents because he knows that she is a woman of integrity and he is also. As a gesture of goodwill, Ruth gives her firstborn to Naomi to raise.

Now for the allegorical part to this. This is similar to the process of repentance and conversion. Each of us go about our lives at some point mired in the repetition of our daily lives and weighed down by the worries and cares of the world. When we choose to embrace the spirituality that the gospel has to offer, we find ourselves allowing the previous ties we had to die off. Only the truly honorable and praiseworthy will stick by our sides as Ruth did. Though we will find it difficult to maintain who we are, we know that by our devotion to the path that we have chosen, we will one day be blessed beyond measure for our devotion to it. Once we have committed to that path we begin to recognize our own kinsmen (Jesus Christ) we will eventually bow at his feet and seek to become a member of His family. He will - as he did with Ruth and Naomi - buy us into his family with a price where we will have protection and we will have an inheritance and dwelling place far greater than we could previously imagine.

Obviously, the key to all of this is contingent upon our devotion to the paths that we have chosen, more importantly our exercise of faith in those things which we cannot see or discern immediately in front of us. There are going to be those times in life when we feel that we cannot go forward another day, or that we have not the means to provide for ourselves or our families - but we know that through our devotion that we will receive "blessings beyond measure."

That's my take on things. Take it or leave it.